======Warcouncil====== The Warcouncil are the out of game leaders of the clan that guide and enforce the rules and regulations. They are the guards of clan traditions and spirit of roleplay. The council has ultimate authority on rule changes and handle the day to day administration of the clan and website. =====Active Members===== ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ |Aya'stigi|Burz'ro|Gug|Gurzhir|Kurg'Grat|Nok'Tor|Mur'gugl|Muzgash| |Qig'dak|Syd'Rak|T'sogg|Yog'Ktar|Xugnath|Xugagug|Xurugg| =====Inactive Members===== ^^ |Lugdush| =====Ex-Members===== ^^^^^^^^^^ |Azock|Gnarlug|Grish'nlock|Groshnak|Har'drak|Lug'dug|Or'Gug|Sek'Morag|Thurg| ======Branch Leaders====== ^UO Outlands^^^^^ |Qig'dak|Gnoth|Aya'Stigi|Mur'gugl|E'grek|