I wanna know why everyone is an orc! I know I cant log on atm, but my orcish blood will never run dry. I can remember the good times and the bad. I can remember leading raids with 20+ orcs and killing so many humans I couldn't even try to count the death toll.

Remember what we stand for and remember the good times, lets bring them back!

For me I am an orc because of the friendships I made. I was recruited by a well known orc named Ace'juk. He might not be that well known anymore but he was when he got me in the Bloodclan. I was in a thief guild with him and he was one of the best role players I have ever know. I loved the tribes we had, it made every orc have their own personality. We need to bring activity back up and remember our roots.

Please post your storys and tell us why you love being an orc. we will not fall, we will be klomping ommies and drinking cyder till Sed is flat.