View Full Version : History of Bloodclan

07-13-2017, 05:49 AM
Early History

GlubGlub and Lugdush founded Bloodclan in November 2003 with a small band of ex clan leaders from various different Ultima online shards. They lived in a small cave until one day the chief and his Elders decided to take control of the AI (artificial intelligence) orcish monster fort to spice things up for other online players. There were epic battles at this Orc Fort with humans that loved to "grief" (player kill freshly resurrected characters). Bloodclan's leaders would hold fort defense drills around the clock to help defend against this tactic. They thought if they could make an invincible fortress, then humans wouldn't be able to defeat and then grief them. Bloodclan's leaders would also help teach other impotant aspects to the clan such as it's history, the way of the Bloodgod and how to handle tribal conflicts. They mostly allowed the clan elders/veterans to manage the clan daily while maintaining veto power for changes that might hurt the clan in the future.

The orcs known for helping Bloodclan's development and creation during the early days were Kurg'Grat, Kor, Thurg, Gug, Grishn'lock, Groshnak, Gnarlug, Tok, Kul, Acejuk, Samzug and Kulgash. The old forums, ipy shard 1, and guild stone are all gone now so it's impossible to list all the orcs involved in the early creation of Bloodclan.

We can only obtain our information from the stories that elders pass down. We do know during the early days that all of Bloodclan's grunt boots were blood red. Their first "elder mojoka" was Kurg'Grat and we had a "Warchief" instead of a Warboss. We also hear many stories of sewer raids underneath Britain and a gm greybeard casting 20 poison elements inside the Orc Fort for shear entertainment purposes. Life during the early days were as rough as they were exciting.

07-13-2017, 05:50 AM
Middle History: 2006-2010

07-13-2017, 05:50 AM
Recent History: 2011-2017

03-23-2018, 01:47 AM
A few from the early history.

More here:


08-25-2018, 01:05 AM
Ugh.. I need to dig up all my old screen shots from the old days.

07-22-2019, 11:37 PM
I had a ton of screenshots and stories. Hell, I even had my Grunt quest skribbles....and I can't find them. I have looked all over and I am disappointed.