View Full Version : Alliance chat is working!

04-10-2014, 07:15 AM
This is huge!

[ga to use it

I think we should ally all the orc guilds, even if we arent really allies, just so we can talk with them all. Even if we were at war with someone im sure they would come help us defend the fort from griefers in time of need and vice versa.

I know like stormreavers dont want to go red, and I understand why, but they do roleplay well and I would rather interact with them than random oomies or no one.

04-10-2014, 07:24 PM
Indeed, the more orcs in allied chat, the better!

04-14-2014, 04:48 AM
Stormreaver orcs are in and using the chat. They are having some event on tuesday, but i dont know what time. If anyone hears the time post it up.