View Full Version : Keni Nelzun da Krozzdrezz'n Pewbie...(Kenny Nelson the crossdressing Yewbian)

08-28-2012, 10:19 PM
Aya nodiz dat Keni Nelzun hab nuu shooz laz muun...Agh dei arr BREEDUR SHUUZ!!! Em kall dem zandlez...bud dem arr BREEDUR SHUUZ!!! Nuw Aya gruk whi Keni em nub nyce tu Aya agh kall em fad...id em beekawze em a breedur trabb'd enzide eh Sharaz bahdee!!! Agh em hab eh krush un Aya... Eniwai, Aya eggzprez em kuncern tu Kachinga...

(Aya noticed that Kenny Nelson had a new pair of shoes last night, and they are WOMEN'S SHOES!! He called them sandles, but the are WOMEN'S SHOES!!! Now Aya understands why Kenny is not nice to him and calls him fat. It is because he is a woman trapped in a man's body and he has a crush on Aya. Anyway, Aya expressed his concern with Kachina...)

Epperendlee Aya em nub de unli ash dat hayd Keni Nelzunz shuuz...Kachinga nub lyke dem eedur...Den sum DUMSKAH, PANZEE Pewbie bud en tu wud Aya wuz blah'n...Su Aya Ruhn em uff...Toopid skah...Em luggy Aya wuz muddi er em gu flad...Bud em dyd Ruhn'd lyke eh lyddle breedur...HAR!!!

(Apparently Aya is not the only one that hates Kenny Nelson's shoes. Kachina does not like them either. Then some dumbass, sissy Yewbian butted into Aya's conversation. So Aya ran him off, the stupid ass was lucky Aya was laggy or he would of died. But he did run off like a little girl...HAHA)