I am Sinkin from the Yew Militia. I come with a slight problem with your clan. We were at the Brit moongate today, trying to RP with a couple orcs and what looked to be an Undead (no tags). There were several griefers around so we wanted to team up with the orcs or go to Yew and RP/fight. We tried to get into the building and let them know our intentions, but were attacked on sight. We regrouped to try again, but at this point there were many more griefers around. We were getting ready to leave, but a couple people died so we went to collect the dead. At this point one of orcs pulled our tamers nightmare into the hut and trapped it upstairs, banning the tamer. I tried to reason with the two remaining orcs, as well as give a small amount of tribute, but two orcs demanded 5000 gold to release the nightmare.

All the while, they spoke in "orc" but just basically talked trash the whole time. These are pretty much the same tactics that every red on this server uses. We are an RP community and should stick together as one. If you don't want to do anything about this, fine, but I am finished RPing Bloodclan until these griefer tactics are put to rest and a true RP spirit in brought to Hybrid.

I will be advising the Yew leadership to take a stand as well. I cannot talk for them but I know myself and at least two other of the most active players will be taking a stand.